Does Training Make The Magical Difference?
October 12, 2018

Does Training Make The Magical Difference?


Heading The Same Direction

I am a dog lover and have spent many hours out walking and running with our family pets over the years. These walks and runs have always been full of pulls on the leash from all of the fun distractions found around the neighborhood or out on the trail. Whether it was another dog, a squirrel or some interesting smell these walks were always full of our dog wanting to go every different direction even though I had a clear idea of where we were going. This is why I have always been fascinated with dog sledding and the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. I have always wondered how the trainers could get one dog, much less an entire team of dogs, to not only work with the racer, but continue running in the same direction for the whole race. It seems almost magical.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. - Hebrews 12

Wouldn’t it be magical if your team became a team with a shared purpose? A team focused on a mission which they all own and felt responsible for carrying out together. A team that understood how important their role is and how it fits within the whole. Without this, they are only a work group. A group of individuals willing to work in proximity. This working in proximity is what I experienced in walking my dog. For us it was a leash that kept us in proximity. The dog knew that without the leash they did not get to leave our yard. We had this mutual, obviously unspoken, agreement that we would go out and stay in proximity. However, this meant that while we were out on the walk there was not an agreed upon direction, only an agreed upon proximity. This is what led to all of the pulls in the different directions. For your team proximity could be based around common interest, people they serve, tasks they do, or the church or organization you lead. However, there is a big difference between a work group and a team. The difference is between the power and energy that proximity creates verse a team all going in the same direction can create.

If we are being honest, all leaders wanting to change the lives of those around them would rather lead a team over a work group. We would all rather lead a power house team pulling the same direction creating an unstoppable force over being a dog walker just trying to keep it together and clean up the messes along the way. This is why trainings where individuals become teams with an understood purpose, mission, and roles is critical. I would be willing to say it is almost magical what a good team can accomplish.

With the direction of the leaders, Colocate Ministry Consulting (CMC) will walk side by side with those working with and around your ministry, team, or leader(s) to develop a personalized goal oriented training event based on the needs of the church or organization, the Colocate Ministry Consulting assessment, and our over 29 years of experience.

Training can help your team be a powerful and focused force that is heading all in the same direction on the same mission.

Let’s chat soon about how Colocate Ministry Consulting can come along side your ministry.

By Rev. Brent Dearnell, CMC Cofounder and Coach

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“Whether you're shuffling a deck of cards or holding your breath, magic is pretty simple: It comes down to training, practice, and experimentation, followed up by ridiculous pursuit and relentless perseverance.” - David Blaine



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